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Esthétique Spa International
The Leading Spa & Wellness Show for Owners, Managers, Estheticians, Massage Therapists & Medical Professionals
Diabetes and Foot Care: Make Your Clients Aware

Almost 8 out of 10 people in the world develop foot problems, and many of them are diabetic. Proper care for diabetic feet is as important as eating balanced meals, monitoring blood sugar and getting physical activity. A recent study by the Canadian Diabetic Association revealed that more than...

Groupon: Ally or Enemy?

The question comes up in almost every marketing class or seminar I teach. “What do you think about Groupon?” So here we go. Marketing Brilliance As a marketing company I can appreciate the brilliant business model that Groupon has created and grown. In fact, it is the fastest company...

ESI Spa Show Provides a Platform to Meet Top Industry Leaders

ESI attendees have communicated that the top two reasons for attending the show is for networking and education. With that being said, ESI continues to focus each year on creating a show that allows spa professionals to network and learn from top industry leaders. Last week ESI Pro Educator...

Reflexology & The Male Pedicure

Oscar Wilde said “illusion is the first of all impressions.”  Indeed the world of our bodies and how they respond to external and internal changes is illusive at times.  My humble role in the spa world includes foot care, male esthetic issues and reflexology.  I bring many topics to...

The Seventh “T” to Spa Business Success

Guest post by Kristine Huffman, General Manager, Austin, Brand Experiences Director for Travaasa Experiential Resorts   It’s no secret that your team is the most critical success factor of any program or service you’re trying to launch.  But how do you select and lead a team of service providers that...

Robb Gorman on The 6T’s of Success

Guest post by Robb Gorman, Owner of Toronto’s XY Men’s Skin & Grooming Lounge. After 15 years in the business of “beauty” I’ve seen a lot of ugly. In fact, the majority of my career has been devoted to searching for some sort of beauty within an environment super-saturated...

Spa Trends: Finding the Right ones for your Market

Guest blog post by Melissa Fielding, Director of Leisure Services, Flamingo, Harrahs and Imperial Spa and Salon The spa industry is constantly changing.  How do you know which new trends will be successful in your spa?  Each year there seems to be hundreds of new products and treatments developed...

2013 Trend Report: How it Will Affect The Day Spa Industry

Guest post by Sallie Fraenkel, Executive Vice President. As Yogi Berra once said (I rarely, if ever, quote sports figures, but this one is apt), “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” SpaFinder® Wellness has been forecasting trends for the past 10 years, and I’ve been involved...

Spa Trend Report: The Economic and Lodging Industry Impact on the Performance of Spas

Guest post by Andrea Foster, VP and National Director of Spa & Wellness Consulting at PKF Consulting USA Special for ESI Attendees! ESI attendees qualify to receive 20% off the 2012 Trends® in the Hotel Spa Industry.  Click Here and enter this code: 2012ESI Beginning in 2008 and 2009,...

Why is the Science of Psychology Important for Spas?

Guest Post by Jeremy McCarthy, Director, Global Spa Development and Operations at Starwood Hotels and Resorts, author of the book The Psychology of Spas and Wellbeing, and blog. My colleagues in the spa industry sometimes ask me why I focus so much on the science of psychology.  In fact, people often...

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