Yogita Bouchard
“Spa and Salon Business Leadership: Effectively Managing In Today’s World”
Sunday at 11:30am – Room #103
Ever get frustrated when your staff doesn’t follow the rules? They should know better, but they don’t act like it. Come to this leadership session and we will share the secrets to making positive change in your business without all the stress. This includes changing operations and sometimes changing people. You do not want to miss this!
“Lethal Mistakes Every Spa Must Avoid”
Monday at 1:30pm – Room #107
Buried in the midst of crazy spa and salon operations lurk grave errors in judgment that many owners and operators make. Attend this session and learn the 10 most terminal decisions that are easy to make and the ways to avoid them.
Yogita Bouchard is a valued member of the Spaformation team, a leading advisor to the spa industry. Yogita has been a successful entrepreneur in countless aspects of the health and healing professions for more than 25 years. Her service training includes massage therapy, Watsu (aquatic therapy), Hakomi (a form of body-centered psychotherapy), and the science of yoga. She was co-owner of the Creative Health Institute in Victoria B.C. from 1994 to 1996, and then created Canada’s first commercial Watsu facility built in Nelson B.C. at her own Mountain Waters Spa. Yogita developed Mountain Waters Spa into one of Western Canada’s finest boutique spas, which she recently sold. She has now joined the Spaformation team to share her unique wealth of knowledge and experience in the spa world, both as an entrepreneur and practitioner. Yogita provides her insights on what any spa owner must master to ensure business success.
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