Tanya Palladina
“Infection Control Starts with Awareness”
Sunday at 2:30pm – Room #102
Monday at 2:30pm – Room #104
In this day and age, we must become aware of what could be lurking in our spas and salons. Our clients are becoming more knowledgeable and are asking questions about proper sterilization procedures. Do you know the answers to the questions they are asking? Learn the protocols for sanitation, disinfection and sterilization in a spa environment. Why wait until it’s too late? Whether you are providing a $10.00 service or a $110.00 service, consistency and proper guidelines when it comes to infection control must be implemented each and every time. Learn what could make your spa – and what could possibly break it. Acquire the right information and get the right reputation.
After graduating from George Brown College in Advanced Esthetics, Tanya Palladina studied with the North American School of Podology and in medical esthetics. Education is what she is most passionate about. Currently teaching Advanced Esthetics/Medical Esthetics for George Brown College in Toronto, her goal is to provide her students with the most current and up-to-date information. With an ever changing and growing industry, Tanya feels the importance of continued education as a vital tool to the success of an individual in the field.
Having previously worked in the airline industry during the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) outbreak in Toronto, in 2003, she decided to start investigating infection control not only to protect herself, but also her co-workers. Now informing estheticians, medical estheticians, makeup artists and anyone that will listen, her goal is to protect her students, protect clients and keep spreading the word on how important infection control is not only in our industry, but in our everyday lives.