Daniel Francoeur
“Male Waxing 2012″
Sunday at 10:30am – Room #101
Monday at 10:30am – Room #102
Daniel Francoeur, owner of Ottawa, Canada’s wildly successful Bodé Spa for Men and THE source on male grooming and spa care, brings you a 50-minute tour-de-force on male waxing. From choosing the perfect waxes, implementing specialized techniques and client positioning, through the science of advanced aftercare, you will leave with the tools to cement your ability to attain and retain a loyal following of male clients… forever changing the way you work with clients of both sexes.
“Secrets from The Male Spa: Reaching the Man-Kind”
Sunday at 1:30pm – Room #101
Monday at 2:30pm – Room #101
This session will focus on creating an environment where men feel welcome, safe and secure. From proven methods of em- ploying psychology and physicality through logistics and strategies to reach men, teach men and keep men, The Bodé Boys will guide you in cracking open your ability to tap into the fast- est growing demographic in the spa and beauty industries. By utilizing specific marketing models (including websites, menus, and literature), creative ways to introduce men to the spa experience and what to do with your male clients once you’ve got them in the door, 50 minutes can change your business.
Sharing his knowledge with professionals across North America, Daniel Francœur has quickly become the preeminent source for all matters pertaining to male grooming and spa care. Daniel got his start in the spa business 15 years ago, operating Little House Spa, a traditional female-dedicated business. Over the years, his male clientele grew to over 40%, which led to the launching of a new venture. Bodé Spa For Men, Canada’s only spa for men by men, opened its doors in the beautiful Sandy Hill district of Ottawa. Now in its seventh year, the spa has gained an international reputation for its client care and modern-minded approach.
Leading the charge, Daniel is not only the spa’s owner, he is also a massage therapist (orthotherapist), waxing specialist (trainer) and esthetician. Daniel uses his experience both from a typical spa setting as well as Bodé to share the tales and woes of his male clientele. What men are looking for, what makes them feel comfortable. Daniel’s class is a journey through the eyes of the male client, and a look into the benefits of having male staff within a mainstream setting. With humour, honesty and a few laughs, you will see that men often feel a little left out and misunderstood.
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