Marketing to be Profitable, Steps 1 to 10
Rob Cass offers these words of wisdom: “If you are not making marketing mistakes, you are not trying hard enough.” As principal of Spaformation , Rob helps spas of any size and budget maximize their marketing dollars.
Here are Rob’s top ten steps to market a profitable spa:
Step 1: ROI on Marketing: Is do you measure the return on investment for your marketing dollars. Are they measured in phone calls? Sales? Upsells?
Step 2: Set a Budget: Commit money to get the result you want. There is a direct relationship between marketing and returns. Spas should allocate 5-7% of revenues to marketing.
Step 3: Plan: Be relentless: Put in into writing so it becomes real. Ongoing promotions are a must. Tell people what is going on with you on a regular basis.
Step 4: Get on with it Already. Sometimes good is good enough. Not getting it out at all is the biggest killer of your marketing activities.
Step 5: Focus Local: Partner with related businesses that share a common database.
Step 6: Get a Great Website: Take advantage of low-cost technologies. Avoid cliché stock images at all costs–they are horrible!
Step 7: Digital Media: Social media and email marketing and text marketing are causing a massive shift. Don’t just promote. You will alienate your audience sooner or later,” says Cass. “Provide content that is current, relevant and interesting.”
Step 8: Direct Mail: A cost effective way of reaching out. Create a sense of urgency in your mailings.
Step 9: Maximize Your Existing Clients: Tell your story. Never assume that your clients know everything that you do.
Step 10: Word of Mouth: Encourage referrals and collect testimonials. Get everyone talking about you!
ESI Exclusive! See Rob Cass in person at ESI Las Vegas April 15-16. Click here to register. Click here to view my interview with Rob!