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Tips on How to Prevent Spa Industry Burnout

Carol Phillips, CEO of Beautee Smarts, sees trouble brewing: “In our industry, we give until our batteries are worn out. We need to light to fire underneath us and strike a balance with everything we do.” Carol’s newest course, Unlimited Potential: How to get more from your job than varicose veins, addresses the issue of burnout in the spa industry.

Here are some of Carol’s words of wisdom to help you recharge your batteries and remember why you got into the spa business in the first place:

  • Create a personal image package. We all judge a book by its cover. If your client can’t get beyond your looks and style they won’t care how well you do your job.
  • Invest in yourself. Beauty people wear their net worth. Develop a signature look. Dress for the type of clients you want to attract. Like attracts like and can fast track rapport.
  • Develop a written dress code for your facility. You may need to teach some of your people how to dress. Provide gifts and rewards for dressing well.
  • Millennials need special attention. They have a hard time engaging and looking people in the eye. Your young team members needs help developing the right way to approach clients.
  • Develop your Unique Selling Proposition. What is unique about practice or service? Create a specialty. Some examples: “We have an in-house training program.”
  • Follow the 1/1000 rule. It’s impossible to do one thing 1,000% better, but you can do 1,000 things 1% better. Write down a dozen things that you can do a little better than the competition.
  • “Trouble brews with boredom.” Try something new. Go get a treatment somewhere else. Network with other professionals. Get a mentor, or, better yet, be one.
  • Live the spa lifestyle at home. Focus on healthy habits. Get enough sleep, eat the right foods, exercise, drink enough water. Guard your time—ask yourself “Am I doing the most productive thing at this time?

Want more of Carol? Come see her classes at ESI Las Vegas April 15-16 at The Venetian/Sands Expo! Click here to register.

Nancy Griffin

Nancy Griffin has been a recognized leader in the spa industry for more than fifteen years. She was introduced to the business of spa in the early 90′s, when she completed Graduate Management studies at the prestigious Cornell
School of Hotel Administration. Accomplishments include founding SpaTrade.com and the SpaExec networking events. She also directed the educational programs for IECSC from 2005 to 2010. After Questex Media Group acquired SpaTrade and SpaExec in 2008, she continued to lead the companies
as Executive Director. Griffin returned to her entrepreneurial roots in 2010.

Griffin is a veteran speaker and journalist covering spa industry trends. She is currently principal of the content marketing and internet strategy firm Contento Marketing Group.

Connect with Nancy Griffin:

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